25 Journal Topics (3)

Writing a journal can be a great way to record your life, practice writing skills, and build materials for other writing projects. Here are some ideas for topics to write about rather than just chronicling what happened on a given day.


1.    What is love? What is happiness? How do you achieve each?

  1. What obligations do individuals have to others and to their communities and the world?

  2. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go and why?

  3. What trips have you taken? Use your five senses to describe important things that you saw or experienced on your trip?

  4. Is traveling to other places important? What can be gained?

  5. How would you describe your childhood? What are some important events that you feel shaped your childhood?

  6. Describe an event that you feel changed a core belief. What happened? Why did it change your belief?

  7. How do you spend your time? What would you say takes up most of your time?

  8. Do you feel that the way you spend your time reflects your values? Why or why not?

  9. What is your view of technology? How do you use technology in your everyday life?

  10. Describe your mother—both in terms of physical appearance and personality. What role has she played in your life?

  11. Tell a story about a specific event in your life that involves your mother.

  12. Describe your father—both in terms of physical appearance and personality. What role has she played in your life?

  13. Tell a story about a specific event in your life that involves your father.

  14. What qualities do you think make a good friend?

  15. If your friends described you, what would they say?

  16. Which of your qualities or characteristics do you think is most salient? Why?

  17. What makes you most angry? Why? How do you deal with the anger?

  18. What makes you most sad? Why? How do you deal with the sadness?

  19. Do you prefer urban, suburban or rural living? Why?

  20. Have you ever experienced the death of a loved one? What happened? How did you deal with your grief?

  21. Do you consider yourself healthy? What do you do to maintain your health?

  22. Do you participate in a sport? Why? Describe an important event related to your sport?

  23. What hobbies do you have? What does each entail? Why do you enjoy each particular hobby? Tell a story about something you did related to your hobby.

  24. How important are appearances to you? Tell a story about a time when appearances were very important or not important at all.


25 Journal Topics (4)


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