Open Critiquing Session January 23 7 to 9 p.m. EST


Writers who are curious about what editing involves will be able to participate in this free online event. To participate, email me the first five pages of your manuscript and a one-page synopsis to from your email account (please do not use this registration). Use “Open Critique Submission” in the subject line. Sending a manuscript constitutes permission to read and review the manuscript during the critiquing session. I will send a Zoom link to participants and will randomly select manuscripts to critique live during the session by sharing my screen and making comments as I would while editing. I will get to as many as possible, but even if your manuscript isn’t selected, you can learn a lot by seeing how the process works. There is limited space, so once the workshop is filled up, I won’t be able to accept any more manuscripts.

Register here for free event by adding to cart and submitting your request.

Note: I have worked with authors writing fiction and non-fiction books, including fantasy, action, romance, mystery, literary fiction, memoir, spiritual, business, self-help, psychology, academic achievement, and personal achievement. I do not consider myself experienced in thriller, horror, or children’s lit below YA reading level.